The H5F type exposes the following members.
| Name | Description |
| close | |
| create(String, H5F..::..CreateMode) | |
| create(String, H5F..::..CreateMode, H5PropertyListId) | |
| create(String, H5F..::..CreateMode, H5PropertyListId, H5PropertyListId) | |
| Equals | (Inherited from Object.) |
| Finalize | (Inherited from Object.) |
| flush | |
| GetHashCode | (Inherited from Object.) |
| GetType | (Inherited from Object.) |
| is_hdf5 | |
| MemberwiseClone | (Inherited from Object.) |
| Mount(H5FileOrGroupId, String, H5FileId) | |
| Mount(H5FileOrGroupId, String, H5FileId, H5PropertyListId) | |
| open(String, H5F..::..OpenMode) | |
| open(String, H5F..::..OpenMode, H5PropertyListId) | |
| ToString | (Inherited from Object.) |
| Unmount | |
See Also