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H5Memory Members

The H5Memory type exposes the following members.


Public methodH5Memory()()()()
Create an instance of H5Memory containing a null pointer.
Public methodH5Memory(IntPtr)
Create an instance of H5Memory allocating a specified amount of memory from the "C" run-time heap.
Public methodH5Memory(UIntPtr)


Public methodDispose()()()()
Destructor for H5Memory (deallocated memory if not previously deallocted.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Finalize destructor for H5Memory (deallocated memory if not previously deallocted.)
(Overrides ObjectFinalize()()()().)
Public methodGetElement<(Of <<'(Type>)>>)(IntPtr)
Get a value from the location in the allocated memory that would correspond to memory[index] if the H5Memory were an array of the type specified.
Public methodGetElement<(Of <<'(Type>)>>)(UIntPtr)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSet<(Of <<'(Type>)>>)(H5Array<(Of <<'(Type>)>>), IntPtr)
Public methodSet<(Of <<'(Type>)>>)(H5Array<(Of <<'(Type>)>>), UIntPtr)
Public methodSetElement<(Of <<'(Type>)>>)(IntPtr, Type%)
Copy a value to the location in the allocated memory that would correspond to memory[index] if the H5Memory were an array of the same type as the value.
Public methodSetElement<(Of <<'(Type>)>>)(UIntPtr, Type%)
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)


Public propertyPointer
Pointer to the allocated memory.
Public propertySize
Size (in bytes) of the allocated memory.

See Also