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HDF5DotNet Namespace


Public classH5
The H5 class contains static member function for each of the supported H5 calls of the HDF5 library.
Public classH5A
The H5A class contains static member function for each of the supported H5A calls of the HDF5 library. The purpose of these calls is to create and manipulate attributes and information about attributes.
Public classH5AcloseException
H5Aclose throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5AcreateByNameException
H5AcreateByName throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5AcreateException
H5Acreate throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5AdeleteByNameException
H5AdeleteByName throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5ADeleteException
H5ADelete throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5AgetInfoException
H5AgetInfo throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5AgetNameByIndexException
H5AgetNameByIndex throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5AgetNameException
H5AgetName throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5AgetNumberOfAttributesException
H5AgetNumberOfAttributes throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5AgetSpaceException
H5AgetSpace throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5AgetTypeException
H5AgetType throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5AiterateException
H5Aiterate throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5AopenByIndexException
H5AopenByIndex throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5AopenByNameException
H5AopenByName throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5AopenException
H5Aopen throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5AopenIndexException
H5AopenIndex throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5AopenNameException
H5AopenName throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5AreadException
H5Aread throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5Array<(Of <(<'Type>)>)>
H5Array wraps arrays so that they can be passed as parameters and their addresses can be calculated regardless of the number of dimensions they contain (up to 32 dimensions).
Public classH5ArrayException
H5Array throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5AttributeId
H5AttributeId uniquely identifies an attribute.
Public classH5AttributeInfo
An instance of the class is generated from a call to H5A.getInfo. The information it contains includes the validity of the creation order, creation order, character set, and data size.
Public classH5AwriteException
H5Awrite throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5CrtHeap
H5CrtHeap provides allocation and deallocation from the "C" run-time heap. This memory is not garbage collected, so it can be used with void pointers that are passed to the HDF5 library. To avoid memory leaks, all memory allocated with alloc must be freed with free.
Public classH5D
The H5D contains static member function for each of the supported H5D calls of the HDF5 library.
Public classH5DataSetId
H5DataSetId uniquely identifies a data set.
Public classH5DataSpaceId
H5DataSpaceId uniquely identifies a data space.
Public classH5DataTypeId
H5DataTypeId uniquely identifies a data type.
Public classH5DcloseException
H5Dclose throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5DcreateException
H5Dcreate throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5DgetCreatePropertyListException
H5DgetStorageSize throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5DgetSpaceException
H5DgetSpace throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5DgetStorageSizeException
H5DgetStorageSize throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5DgetTypeException
H5DgetType throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5DopenException
H5Dopen throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5DreadException
H5Dread throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5DsetExtentException
H5DsetExtend throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5DvlenReclaimException
H5DvlenReclaim throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5DwriteException
H5Dwrite throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5E
The H5E contains static member function for each of the supported H5E calls of the HDF5 library.
Public classH5EsetAutoException
H5EsetAuto throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5EsuppressPrintingException
H5EsuppressPrinting throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5F
The H5F contains static member function for each of the supported H5F calls of the HDF5 library. H5F indicates that this group of function operates on files.
Public classH5FcloseException
H5Fclose throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5FcreateException
H5Fcreate throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5FileId
H5FileId identifies an H5 file object. Instances of this class are returned from H5create and H5open.
Public classH5FloatingBitFields
An instance of this class is returned from H5T.getFields(). It contains floating point bit field information including the positions of the sign bit, exponent field, mantissa field and the number of bits in the exponent and mantissa.
Public classH5FopenException
H5Fopen throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5G
The H5G contains static member function for each of the supported H5G calls of the HDF5 library.
Public classH5GcloseException
H5Gclose throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5GcreateException
H5Gcreate throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5GgetInfoByNameException
H5GgetInfoByName throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5GgetInfoException
H5GgetInfo throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5GgetNumObjectsException
H5GgetNumObjects throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5GgetObjectNameByIndexException
H5GgetObjectNameByIndex throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5GgetObjInfoException
H5GgetObjInfo throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5GInfo
An instance of H5GInfo is returned from H5G.getInfo. It contains properties that provide the link storage type, the number of links, and the current maximum creation order for the group.
Public classH5GIterateException
H5GIterate throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5GopenException
H5Gopen throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5GroupId
H5GroupId uniquely identifies a group.
Public classH5I
H5I contains methods for working with object identifiers and object names.
Public classH5L
The H5L contains static member function for each of the supported H5L calls of the HDF5 library.
Public classH5LgetInfoByIndexException
H5LgetInfoByIndex throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5LgetInfoException
H5LgetInfo throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5LgetNameByIndexException
H5LgetNameByIndex throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5LinkInfo
The H5LinkInfo class contains properties that provide read-only access to its data members.
Public classH5Memory
H5Memory allocate and deallocates memory from the "C" run-time heap and wraps it so that it can be used from other .NET languages without using unsafe.
Public classH5O
The H5O contains static member function for each of the supported H5O calls of the HDF5 library.
Public classH5ObjectId
H5DataSetId uniquely identifies a data set.
Public classH5ObjectInfo
An instance of this class is returned by the H5G.getInfo calls. It contains header and metasize data about the object as well as file number, address, object type, access time, modification time, birth time, and number of attributes.
Public classH5OgetInfoByIndexException
H5OgetInfoByIndex throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5OgetInfoByNameException
H5OgetInfoByName throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5OgetInfoException
H5OgetInfo throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5P
The H5P contains static member function for each of the supported H5P calls of the HDF5 library.
Public classH5PcloseException
H5Pclose throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5PcreateException
H5Pcreate throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5PgetChunkException
H5PsetChunk throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5PgetLayoutException
H5PgetLayout throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5PropertyListId
H5PropertyListId uniquely identifies a property list.
Public classH5PsetBufferException
H5PsetBuffer throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5PsetChunkException
H5PsetChunk throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5PsetDeflateException
H5PsetDeflate throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5PsetVlenMemManagerException
H5PsetVlenMemManager throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5R
The Reference interface allows the user to create references to specific objects and data regions in an HDF5 file.
Public classH5S
The H5S contains static member function for each of the supported H5S calls of the HDF5 library.
Public classH5ScloseException
H5Sclose throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5ScreateException
H5Screate throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5ScreateSimpleException
H5ScreateSimple throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5SgetSimpleExtentDimsException
H5SgetSimpleExtentDims throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5SgetSimpleExtentMaxDimsException
H5SgetSimpleExtentMaxDims throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5SgetSimpleExtentNDimsException
H5SgetSimpleExtentNDims throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5SgetSimpleExtentNPointsException
H5SgetSimpleExtentNPoints throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5SselectHyperslabException
H5SselectHyperslab throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5SselectNoneException
H5SselectNone throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5SselectStridedHyperslabException
H5SselectStridedHyperslab throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5T
The H5T contains static member function for each of the supported H5T calls of the HDF5 library.
Public classH5TB
The H5TB contains static member function for each of the supported H5TB calls of the HDF5 library.
Public classH5TBgetFieldInfoException
H5TBgetFieldInfo throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TBgetTableInfoException
H5TBgetTableInfo throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TcloseException
H5Tclose throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TcommitException
H5Tcommit throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TcopyException
H5Tcopy throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TcreateException
H5Tcreate throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TenumCreateException
H5TenumCreate throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TenumInsertException
H5TenumInsert throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TenumNameOfException
H5TenumNameOf throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TenumValueOfException
H5TenumValueOf throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TgetClassException
H5TgetClass throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TgetFieldsException
H5TgetFields throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TgetMemberClassException
H5TgetMemberClass throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TgetMemberIndexException
H5TgetMemberIndex throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TgetMemberNameException
H5TgetMemberName throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TgetMemberOffsetException
H5TgetMemberOffset throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TgetMemberTypeException
H5TgetMemberType throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TgetMemberValueException
H5TgetMemberValue throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TgetNativeTypeException
H5TgetNativeType throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TgetNMembersException
H5TgetNMembers throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TgetNormException
H5TgetNorm throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TgetOffsetException
H5TgetOffset throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TgetPrecisionException
H5TgetPrecision throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TgetSignException
H5TgetSign throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TgetSizeException
H5TgetSize throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TinsertException
H5Tinsert throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TisVariableStringException
H5TisVariableString throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TopenException
H5Topen throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TsetOrderException
H5TsetOrder throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TsetSizeException
H5TsetSize throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classH5TvlenCreateException
H5TvlenCreate throws this exception on any error condition.
Public classHDFException
HDFException is the base class for all HDF exception classes.
Public classHeader
Object header information.
Public classIhInfo
Object that contains index and heap sizes.
Public classMessage
Message type info.
Public classMetaSize
MetaSize is the component of H5ObjectInfo that contains the object meta information.
Public classObjectInfo
An instance of this class is returned from H5G.getObjectInfo. The class provides properties for the following values: file number, object number, number of hard links to object, basic object type, modification time, symbolic link value length, size of object header, free space in object header, number of header messages, and the number of object header chunks.
Public classObjectReference
Public classRegionReference
Public classSpace
Object that contains properties about object space usage.
Public classTableFieldInfo
Object returned from H5TB.getFieldInfo. Properties include the name of each field, the size of each field, offset of each field, and type size of each field.
Public classTableInfo
Object returned from getTableInfo. Properties include number of table fields and number of table records.
Public classUnmanagedMemoryStream
A stream object that is backed by unmanaged memory. The behavior of UnmanagedMemoryStream is similar to that of the .NET MemoryStream, because it manages memory internally and will re-allocate its internal buffers as necessary to accommodate additional writes (the latter is not supported by UnmanagedMemoryStream). The memory used by this class is allocated via the Marshal class's unmanaged memory allocation routines.


Public structurehvl_t
Variable length data specifier.
Public structureLibraryVersion
The major, minor, and release numbers of the version of the HDF library which is linked to the application.
Public structureVLen
Variable length data specifier.


Public interfaceH5FileOrGroupId
An interface supported by both H5FileId and H5GroupId
Public interfaceH5Id
H5Id identifies an H5 object.
Public interfaceH5LocId
An interface supported by both H5FileId and H5GroupId
Public interfaceH5ObjectWithAttributes
An interface supported by all Id's that can have attributes.
Public interfaceH5R..::..IReference
Interface for object and region references


Public delegateH5AIterateCallback
Callback used for H5Aiterate. The delegate provides the function that will be called once for each attribute.
Public delegateH5AllocCallback
Delegate for user-specified memory allocation.
Public delegateH5AutoCallback
Callback invoked when error conditions occur (see setAuto).
Public delegateH5FreeCallback
Delegate for user-specified memory deallocation.
Public delegateH5GIterateCallback
Callback used in H5G.iterate.
Public delegateH5LIterateCallback
Callback used in H5L.iterate.


Public enumerationH5D..::..Layout
Enumeration for storage layout strategy.
Public enumerationH5F..::..CreateMode
H5F.CreateMode provides the HDF5 file access modes available when creating a file.
Public enumerationH5F..::..OpenMode
H5F.OpenMode provides the HDF5 file access modes available when opening a file.
Public enumerationH5F..::..Scope
H5F.Scope defines the scope for the flushing of buffers associated with a file to disk.
Public enumerationH5GStorageType
Enumeration for storage type (COMPACT, DENSE, or SYMBOL_TABLE)
Public enumerationH5GType
Enumeration type for H5G. Values include GROUP, DATASET, LINK, and TYPE.
Public enumerationH5I..::..IdentifierType
Identifier type values.
Public enumerationH5IndexType
Enumeration type for Index Type (NAME or CRT_ORDER).
Public enumerationH5IterationOrder
Enumeration class for iteration order (UNKNOWN, INCREASING, DECREASING, or NATIVE).
Public enumerationH5IterationResult
Enumeration type returned from iteration function (HALT_WITH_FAILURE, SUCCESS, SHORT_CIRCUIT_SUCCESS).
Public enumerationH5L..::..Template
Enumeration class for Template (H5L_SAME_LOC).
Public enumerationH5O..::..ObjectType
Enumerates the different types of objects in a file.
Public enumerationH5ObjectType
Enumerates the different H5Object types.
Public enumerationH5P..::..PropertyListClass
Enumeration class for property list class.
Public enumerationH5P..::..Template
Enumeration class for Template (H5P_DEFAULT).
Public enumerationH5R..::..ReferenceType
Reference types allowed.
Public enumerationH5S..::..H5SClass
Enumeration for H5S class includes SCALAR and SIMPLE.
Public enumerationH5S..::..H5SType
Enumeration for H5S type includes ALL and UNLIMITED.
Public enumerationH5S..::..SelectOperator
Enumeration type for selection.
Public enumerationH5T..::..BitPadding
Enumeration of bit paddings.
Public enumerationH5T..::..CharSet
Enumeration of character sets.
Public enumerationH5T..::..CreateClass
Allowable data types for H5TCreate
Public enumerationH5T..::..Direction
Enumeration of Direction (DEFAULT, ASCEND, DESCEND)
Public enumerationH5T..::..H5TClass
Enumeration of type class.
Public enumerationH5T..::..H5Type
Enumeration of data types.
Public enumerationH5T..::..LinkType
Enumeration of link types.
Public enumerationH5T..::..Norm
Enumeration of Norm (IMPLIED, MSBSET, NONE)
Public enumerationH5T..::..Order
Enumeration of endian (BE or LE).
Public enumerationH5T..::..Sign
Enumeration of sign (UNSIGNED or TWOS_COMPLEMENT)
Public enumerationH5T..::..StringPadding
Enumeration of string paddings.
Public enumerationLinkType
Enumeration type of the LinkType. Values include ERROR, HARD, and SOFT.