HDF5DotNet wraps a subset of the
HDF5 library API in a .NET
assembly for consumption by .NET applications. The wrapper is written
in C++/CLI and uses the .NET
mechanism to call native code from managed code which facilitates multi-language
development in other .NET languages such as C#, VB.NET, and
IronPython (or Windows
PowerShell). It is not a goal of this wrapper to provide
an elaborate object-oriented interface to the HDF5 library.
What's new in release 1.8.9
HDF5DotNet was built and tested against HDF5 1.8.9. Check the mini-FAQ discussing several
common issues in using the wrapper.
New Functions
No new functions have been wrapped in this release. The definition (and implementation) of
H5F.flush has been updated to accept
arbitrary IDs of entities that can be flushed (file, dataset, group, committed datatype, attribute).
New Releated Project
The HDF Group just released
PSH5X, a Windows PowerShell
module for HDF5. The
PSH5X movie
should give you a pretty good idea what this is about.
Q: Can I use HDF5DotNet from PowerShell?
A: Yes you can! Check question 2.02 in the
The two most common installation scenarios are:
Obtain and install copies of pre-compiled binaries and assembly.
The (native) binary distributions for Windows platforms include the header files, static
and dynamic link libraries, and command line tools.
Pre-built HDF5DotNet assemblies can be found here:
To compile your .NET application, add a reference to HDF5DotNet.dll to your Visual Studio project.
For running your application, in addition to HDF5DotNet.dll, only the following (native) DLLs are
required: hdf5dll.dll, hdf5_hldll.dll, szip.dll, and zlib.dll.
They can be found in the bin folder of the binary distribution (default installation directory
C:\Program Files\HDF Group\HDF5\1.8.9\bin and must be present
in a directory that is part of your PATH environment variable.
Obtain copies of of the source code and build your own binaries.
Follow the instructions provided with the source for building the HDF5 library. For building
the HDF5DotNet assembly and examples use the Visual Studio project provided. Note: The assembly
and examples can be built without Visual Studio. The compilers and tools for .NET development
are part of the
.NET Framework SDK or the
Windows SDK. Use the WinSDKonly.BAT batch file to build the HDF5DotNet
assembly and example programs. Follow these instructions
to build the documentation.
The following example uses IronPython.
A compressed, chunked dataset is being created and written.
import clr
import HDF5DotNet
from HDF5DotNet import *
import System
from System import Array, Double, Int64
print '\nInitializing HDF5 library\n'
status = H5.
print 'HDF5 ', H5.
Version.Major, '.', H5.Version.Minor, '.', H5.Version.Release
h5file = H5F.
create('sample.h5', H5F.CreateMode.ACC_TRUNC)
dspace = H5S.
create_simple(2, Array[Int64]((256,512)), Array[Int64]((-1,-1)))
dtype = H5T.
plist = H5P.create(H5P.PropertyListClass.DATASET_CREATE)
setChunk(plist, Array[Int64]((32, 64)))
setDeflate(plist, 7)
P_DEFAULT = H5PropertyListId(H5P.Template.DEFAULT)
dset = H5D.
create(h5file, 'floats', dtype, dspace, P_DEFAULT, plist, P_DEFAULT);
data = Array.CreateInstance(Double, 256,512)
for i in range(256):
data[i,i] = i
data[i,256+i] = i
write(dset, dtype, H5Array[Double](data))
# H5.Close() takes care of all the open handles (dset, plist, dtype, dspace, h5file).
# It is good practice though to explicitly invoke the appropriate resource release
# routines, e.g., H5D.close(dset) etc.
print '\nShutting down HDF5 library\n'
status = H5.
A nicer and much more Pythonic interface for the native HDF5 library is
h5py. h5py comes with high- and low-level APIs.
Using h5py's low-level API, the example shown above can be recast as follows:
import h5py
from h5py import *
import numpy
from numpy import zeros, float64
print '\nInitializing HDF5 library\n'
version = h5py.h5.get_libversion()
print 'HDF5 ', version[0], '.', version[1], '.', version[2]
h5file = h5f.create('sample1.h5', h5f.ACC_TRUNC)
dspace = h5s.create_simple((256,512), (h5s.UNLIMITED, h5s.UNLIMITED))
dtype = h5t.IEEE_F64LE.copy()
plist = h5p.create(h5p.DATASET_CREATE)
dset = h5d.create(h5file, 'floats', dtype, dspace, plist)
data = zeros((256,512), dtype=float64)
for i in range(256):
data[i,i] = i
data[i,256+i] = i
dset.write(dspace, dspace, data)
print '\nShutting down HDF5 library\n'
Please seek help through the
HDF Group Helpdesk and HDF mailing lists. A searchable version of the HDF Forum can be found
Copyright Notice and License Terms for
HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format 5) Software Library and Utilities