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H5L Methods

The H5L type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic membercreateHardLink
Public methodStatic memberDelete
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberExists
Determine whether a link with the specified name exists in a group.
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberget_val
Returns the value of a symbolic link. The buffer returned by this method must be freed with FreeHGlobal, otherwise. resource leakage will occur.
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic membergetInfo(H5FileOrGroupId)
Public methodStatic membergetInfo(H5FileOrGroupId, String)
Public methodStatic membergetInfo(H5FileOrGroupId, String, H5PropertyListId)
Public methodStatic membergetInfoByIndex(H5FileOrGroupId, String, H5IndexType, H5IterationOrder, Int64)
Retrieves metadata for a link in a group, according to the order within a field or index.
Public methodStatic membergetInfoByIndex(H5FileOrGroupId, String, H5IndexType, H5IterationOrder, UInt64)
Public methodStatic membergetNameByIndex(H5FileOrGroupId, String, H5IndexType, H5IterationOrder, Int64)
Retrieves name of the nth link in a group, according to the order within a specified field or index.
Public methodStatic membergetNameByIndex(H5FileOrGroupId, String, H5IndexType, H5IterationOrder, UInt64)
Public methodStatic membergetNameByIndex(H5FileOrGroupId, String, H5IndexType, H5IterationOrder, Int64, H5PropertyListId)
Retrieves name of the nth link in a group, according to the order within a specified field or index.
Public methodStatic membergetNameByIndex(H5FileOrGroupId, String, H5IndexType, H5IterationOrder, UInt64, H5PropertyListId)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberiterate(H5GroupId, H5IndexType, H5IterationOrder, Int64%, H5LIterateCallback, Object)
Public methodStatic memberiterate(H5GroupId, H5IndexType, H5IterationOrder, UInt64%, H5LIterateCallback, Object)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)

See Also